Discussion Topic: Internet Voice Communication
It wasn’t so many years ago that communication with people in other countries — or even with people far away in your own country — took weeks or months. A hundred years ago, if you were in Warsaw, Poland, and wanted to communicate with someone in Ethiopia, what did you do? The message probably went by ship and how long do you think it took?? Was there ANY CHANCE of actually SPEAKING with the other person … for FREE?? (or at least ‘free’ if you already have a computer and internet connection). It’s sometimes hard to believe. I think that even thirty or forty years ago, it was much more complicated and expensive to communicate with distant friends, family or business contacts, and especially difficult to have a voice conversation.
So, what does all of the easy and cheap communications mean for us?? What do you think are some of the BENEFITS of this technology? What good things will happen as a result of this ease of communications? What are the THREE BEST THINGS ABOUT EASY, CHEAP AND GLOBAL VOICE COMMUNICATIONS?
Are there any NEGATIVE things to think about? What’s the ‘downside’ of this communications revolution? Will it change our lives in only positive ways, or are there DISADVANTAGES to think about?