Original message --> posted by Hiromi

English Pronunciation

The other day, my English teacher asked me “Have you bought?”. I wondered what he was asking about. (I go to shop groceries almost every day!) So I answered ” Have I bought what???”. A few minutes later, it came to me in a flash that he was saying “Have you vote?”. Yes, it was just after the election day in Japan.

It is difficult to distinguish “v” sound from “b”. It is also difficult for me to hear out “f” and “h”, “s” and “th”, and “r” and “l”. I think that’s because these sounds are not familiar in Japanese language. Do you have a similar experience like this? And how do you practice your English pronunciation?

One Response to “English Pronunciation”

  1. English Teacher John Says:

    Yes, I think that the ‘v’ sound and ‘b’ sound are difficult for many English learners. I always try to show my students the correct pronunciation by using exaggerated mouth movements. So …

    ‘V’ – I point to my upper teeth and my lower lip, and I show the students that my upper teeth really scrape against my lower lip when I pronunce a ‘v’ sound! (This is really exaggerated, as a normal ‘v’ sound is pronunced with the the upper teeth just lightly touching the top edge of the lower lip.)

    ‘B’ – I make a loud ‘ba’ ‘ba’ sound by pressing my lips together and then quickly releasing the air in my mouth. With a ‘b’ sound, you DON’T use your upper teeth, only your lips!

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