Original message --> posted by nat

Are you an optimist or a pessimist ?

If I recall correctly ETJ asked such question on one of the last lessons. At that time I didn’t have my answer right away. Well I have to admit that I had very vague definitions of those words. When I hear someone is said to be an optimist I used to think that he or she is very happy person with a smiley face, in the opposite a pessimist is the one with a frowned eyebrows ? So, who are the optimist and the pessimist exactly anyway? I opened my favorite dictionary and looked up those words. Here they are, the definitions : an optimist is a person who believes that good things will happen and a pessimist in the opposite is a person who believes that bad things will happen . Now I have more accurate definitions of the words, I start wondering which category I fall into. Well, looking back the past I feel like sometimes I’m an optimist, sometimes a pessimist. The feeling is like when you are waiting for the test scores after exams, they maybe good or bad and they always get you worried. I don’t think I always believe that the scores will be good, espescially when my preparation is not enough. The only thing I’m sure of is that I always hope that it will be good. So, which category am I in ? I still have no answer, but some thing came up in my mind that you can only expect an answer for such a question if your question is related to a specified period of time or it’s related to a specified event , something like are you optimistic about the world we’re living in ? Such a question is easier to answer than the general one. My answer is yes, I’m optimistic about the world we’re living in . Why ? you may ask. Well, even though there are a lot of bad things happenning around the world like the war in Iraq, the abominable act of terrorists which you hear constantly about on the media everyday, but never forget that most of people in the world are against those kinds of things. Which is important is that against wars is the common sense to most of us who live in whatever place in the world. And people are trying in any way to stop the bad things and to help people in difficult situation.When a war happens we witness the increase of protests against it , when a disaster happens people are trying to help, if not directly, it will be through organizations like Red Cross and the help are not ony from local people but it’s also from all over the world. The fact that people are getting more intelligent helps the world we’re living in getting better. Some would think that language is a barrier for people to come together, but in my opinion it’s partly true nowaday. Of course it’s true in a way that it’s hard to communicate with people talking another language. But it’s not an impossible barrier to pass and when you pass it you find that you’ve gained a lot . The fact is when you study a language you find for yourself a lot of friends than you would expect. When I realize that I think languages are not barriers at all, it’s the things that make the world more interesting and make us come together. Could you imagine that you will meet a friend from Vietnam when you study English, probaly not when you started pronouncing your first English word. People in the world are getting better, we are making thing which seems to be a barrier to come together become a bridge to our friendships . By comming together, I think, we’ll do our world a much better place to live.
It’s just some thought of mine. What do you think ? Are you optimistic about the world we’re living in ?

6 Responses to “Are you an optimist or a pessimist ?”

  1. nat Says:

    phuuu, it took me 2 hours to write the whole text. I hope it would help improving my English !!!

  2. Priti Says:

    Hi nat,
    I really appreciate your writing skill & good thinking. You wrote thoughts in your mind in simple words. Your English is really good. I think optimistic people are those who mostly think that good things will happen & pessimistic people are those who rarely think that things will be good to them. I am also an optimistic person but as you said an optimistic person could become pessimistic sometimes, there was some period in my life when nothing happened right with me & I never thought things would go right with me. So as life is colorful one with some sorrows & some happiness, people who live also have mixed kind of thinking. Sometimes they are optimistic & sometimes pessimistic. No one would like a person who always keeps laughing & also a person who always keeps crying. Thats life! What do you say? (English improved or not?)

  3. English Teacher John Says:

    Hi Nat and Priti,
    I’m really enjoying the topic and comments here. Hey Nat … E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T job with pouring your thoughts out in the long topic post. Like Priti says, I admire your ‘writing skill and good thinking.’

    Nat, I suggest that you break up your writing into smaller paragraphs. It can help to organize your thoughts (each paragraph has a ‘topic’ or ‘theme’) and it will be much more readable (ie. easier to read, ‘easier on the eyes’). Just some suggestions for you.

    Priti, I think you’re exactly right about being both optimistic and pessimistic. Generally I’m an optimistic person, but at times I feel very pessimistic about some serious issues that I think about. But, isn’t life just a mix of good and bad, hot and cold, happy and sad, and all of the experiences in-between too??!! Often I think, you may not be able to change many of the events, people and feelings around you, but you can DEFINITELY CHANGE the way that you think about them.

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