Original message --> posted by English Teacher John

Expressionist Live Show 1 – Audio (part 1)

mp3 audio (part 1) | Duration: 30:45 | File size: 14.16mb
(sorry about the poor audio quality –John)

Hey everyone,Expressionist Live: Mp3 audio from our first live skypecast!

Thanks to all of you for participating in our very first Expressionist Live show!
Sebastian from Germany
Hiromi from Matsumoto, Japan
Romel from San Francisco, United States
James from Shanghai, China
Viviana from Quito, Ecuador
Egidio from Sardinia, Italy
Gyantsen from Tibet/India
David from Seville, Spain

Please write your comments about the show here at this blog post. Also, how about using the ETJ WIKI TRANSCRIPTER for writing the transcript??? I think this would be a good learning experience. Just listen to the audio a few times (maybe many, many times??!!) and try to produce the transcript. Give it a try and I’ll check it regularly.

I think we’ll do the next show on Friday, June 9, 2006 at 10:00pm Japan time which is 1:00pm GMT. You can check out information about the next show here. Can you attend??

The second part of the audio from this show will be available soon. Thanks again for participating!!

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