Really interested in learning English
Tuesday, March 27th, 2007Hello, Happy to send you this first message.I’m really interested in learning English.I enjoy all the podcasts.Cotinue providing us with others. Thanks.
Hello, Happy to send you this first message.I’m really interested in learning English.I enjoy all the podcasts.Cotinue providing us with others. Thanks.
Hello everybody, I discovered these podcasts some weeks ago, and I like them, because the good sense of humour of our teacher (congratulations, John). Usually, I ear the podcasts while driving (a motorbike), but when the iPod finish, the iPod doesn’t star to play the next one, so my english class finish. Does somebody knows […]
listen/download (mp3) | duration: 44:46; File Size: 25.71mb We talk with Charlie from the road about his work with the peace movement. Charlie’s flickr photos | Charlie’s website