Original message --> posted by English Teacher John

English Teacher John Show 64

listen/download (mp3) | duration: 34:00 | file size: 19.54mb | podcast page

Happy New Year!!

In this episode:

  • Machine voice from vozme.com
  • Language use: though, although, even though
  • Idioms with ‘heart’: heart of gold, from the heart, broke my heart, heart set on something
  • Interview with Tatsuto

Enjoy and learn!

2 Responses to “English Teacher John Show 64”

  1. Hiromi Says:

    Hi John,
    I enjoyed listening to your podcast no.64. As you and Tatsuto were talking, we celebrated Christmas like many other families with children in Japan EVEN THOUGH we are not Christian. But something unexpected happened at the night of Christmas Eve. When I was going to put presents from Santa Claus at the bed of my kids, I remembered that I had put presents in my car trunk to hide. As you know, we were planning to move to Matsuyama just after the Christmas and my car had been already transported to Matsuyama before Christmas!!!

    No present from Santa Claus this year…?

    I had to make a big decision. Is this a time to tell them there’s no Santa Claus? Or keep telling them lies? I was not brave enough. Next morning as soon as they went to school, I rushed to “TOYSRUS” by bike (without my car), and bought some toys and sweets, and put them under the Christmas tree.

    Now I’m wondering how many times more I have to tell them lies, and how many years more do my kids have to pretend to be innocent???

  2. English Teacher John Says:

    Hi Hiromi,
    Thanks a lot for relating your story. Yes, I can see where “the Santa Claus myth” brings on some difficult decisions for parents of young children. I think that your expression “keep telling them lies” is a bit too strong. The Santa-Christmas story is really more a myth than a lie. Most cultures have lots of myths and I think that people can gain something from them whether or not they’re factually correct (c’mon, Atlas holds up the world, Cupid inspires us to romance and Santa brings us Christmas presents!)
    Best of luck in your new environs.

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